Tuesday, August 27, 2019

RHETORICAL ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

RHETORICAL ANALYSIS - Essay Example Firstly, this bumper sticker is not particularly clear. Yes, the exact words it says are clear, and exactly what they mean are clear, but one is left wondering what the broader interpretation should be – are you arguing against automated answering services? Is this a political stance that English should be the National Language? Do you dislike buttons in general for no particular reason? This bumper sticker’s fundamental point is not clear. Though this bumper sticker fails on the clarity test, it does actually pass the simplicity one. Everything is simple about this, perhaps too simple, which impedes clarity. But one cannot argue this is too complex for a bumper sticker. Finally, a successful bumper sticker has to be amusing. Usually good bumper sticker includes some kind of joke or pun, something that will make someone actually happy they paid attention to it. This bumper sticker is in no way interesting. If someone walks up to you and tells a joke, you will be inclined to listen to it. If someone walks up to you and says â€Å"I shouldn’t have to press 1 for English† you will be mad at them for wasting your time. This bumper sticker, by not being interesting, wastes your

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