Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Full Time Position Of Teaching Associate - 960 Words
I would like to apply for the full-time position of Teaching Associate. I have been employed in this same position during the current academic year where I have supervised over forty undergraduate students on the following papers: SAN1, SAN2, SAN8, and S5 (SAN6). In addition to supervising, I have written and delivered eight core second year lectures on Economic Anthropology and two lectures on the anthropology of welfare and social protection. I have also c0-facilitated eight MPhil seminars in Economic Anthropology and a five-day MPhil workshop on social anthropological research methods. While I have dedicated much of my vacation time to my own research, I have solely concentrated during each term on the learning requirements of my students. Below I present two brief examples of my teaching strategy, before discussing my research interests and plans. I believe it is of utmost importance for supervisors to adapt to the students and their learning style, but also to encourage different approaches to supervisions. In the last year, I have found it particularly important to urge students to think beyond the question they have answered for their written essay. Having marked over seventy scripts in this year’s exams, it is clear that the strongest students are able to skilfully utilise their existing knowledge but to move beyond their supervision essay and demonstrate their use of analytical thinking within the exam. I believe this form of learning should be encouraged.Show MoreRelatedThe Culture Of China Has Deeply Ingrained946 Words  | 4 Pagesbe promoted from an associate professor. The position of professor is usually tenured but not for private and church affiliated institutions (BISO, 2010). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Analysis Of Heidi s The Great Gatsby - 2003 Words
Heidi s tragic side is fully revealed in this entire speech where humor and drama are perfectly blended to emphasize her moment of realization. She becomes a diminished character who no longer knows who she is and decides to leave New York to sort out her future. Like a true dark comedy protagonist, she is vulnerable and has lost control. She realizes her downfalls and the comedy lies in the superiority felt by the spectator due to man s delight in man s inhumanity to man (Capp 220). In the area of humanness, Heidi may not be ordinary, but can still be considered an everywoman for her generation. She is looking for fulfillment, a universal desire shared by women of all generations trying to balance personal dreams with societal expectations. The illusion of who she longs to be is overshadowed by her need to laugh off the heartaches and mask her true identity. She attempts to cover the duller elements of her personality and never turns to a higher power for assistance, as is character istic of a dark comic protagonist. Her speech in Act II referenced above shows signs of a dark comic protagonist who clears his throats and scratches her nose (Styan, The Dark 275). She will never emerge as a hero, or as Guthke s tenet suggests, be able to clear her pain-stricken conscience (162). She attempts to do so by adopting a baby, however, but it is clear to the spectator that the question of happiness will remain unanswered for Heidi: SCOOP. But now. Right now.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Ecology Petroleum and Caspian Sea Free Essays
People from ancient times has an impact on the environment. As a result, this versatile centuries of human activity has left a deep mark on modern soil and vegetation, air and drinking (water) environment and wildlife. Man depletes non-renewable natural resources and threatens the production of those items that could be renewed. We will write a custom essay sample on Ecology: Petroleum and Caspian Sea or any similar topic only for you Order Now It changes the nature of the environment, upon which his physical and mental existence as biological and social phenomenon. Environmental pollution is becoming more acute, alarming. Barbarous, destructive attitude of the central departments of natural resources of Kazakhstan led 70-90. To the environmental crisis in the country, take in some regions of the catastrophic nature. One of the toughest environmental problems is the radioactive contamination of the territory of Kazakhstan. Nuclear tests conducted since 1949 at the Semipalatinsk test site resulted in contamination of vast territories in central and eastern Kazakhstan. The country has had five landfills, where nuclear tests were conducted in the vicinity of its borders is a Chinese Lop Nor test site. Radiation background in Kazakhstan increased as a result of the formation of ozone holes in spacecraft launch from the Baikonur. Huge challenge for Kazakhstan of the radioactive waste. Thus, UMP Factory has amassed about 100,000 tons of waste contaminated with uranium, thorium, and waste storage facility located in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. In Kazakhstan there are only 3 repository for nuclear waste and they are all located in the aquifer. That seriousness of the problem of radioactive contamination has led to one of the first laws of sovereign Kazakhstan was the decree of 30. 08. 1991, the banning of tests at the Semipalatinsk test site. One of the most serious environmental problems of Kazakhstan became the depletion of water resources. Increased consumption of fresh water, primarily for irrigated agriculture led to salinization and depletion of natural water sources. Particularly disastrous was the shallowing of the Aral Sea due to irrational use of water Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The sea level dropped by 13 meters, who uncovered the seabed turned into a salt desert. The annual dust storms spread the salt on the vast territory of Eurasia. The decrease mirrors the sea has led to a change in wind direction and climatic characteristics of the region. A similar situation exists in Lake Balkhash, the level of which is 10-15 years fell by 2. -3 meters. At the same time, the rise of the Caspian Sea, caused by ill-conceived decision stripping the Gulf of Kara-Bogazgol. Already flooded huge areas of coastal grazing areas and promising oil-bearing areas. Zyryanovsk lead and Leninogorsk polymetallic complexes have led to contamination of the Irtysh. Alarming environmental situation prevailing in the valley of the rivers Ili and the Urals. In the critical condition of the land resources of Kazakhstan, depleted fertile arable land, pasture becomes desert. Remains a serious problem of air pollution, especially in large industrial centers. National priority in the â€Å"Strategy 2030†RK include: environmental safety, rational use of natural resources, environmental well-being of citizens and some of the problems of social ecology. Reaction to the first environmental crises and catastrophes was expressed in the â€Å"Environment Act†of 1997. The problem of ecology and conservation – is rational and planned use of natural resources, protect the environment from pollution is a planned system of state control, international and public events aimed at the rational use, protection and restoration of natural resources, the satisfaction of material and cultural needs of future generations. National environmental issues Zones of ecological disaster in the Republic of Kazakhstan to continue to be the Aral Sea and Semipalatinsk regions, where there have been destroying the natural ecological systems, degradation of flora and fauna, due to unfavorable environmental conditions caused substantial harm to public health. Currently, the regions adjacent to the former Semipalatinsk test site (85 settlements with a population of almost 72 thousand people), there is a high level of cancer incidence and mortality, cardiovascular diseases, congenital malformations among newborns and the effects of premature aging. In the Aral Sea ecological disaster zone (178 settlements with a population of 186 thousand people) has a high level of gastrointestinal diseases and anemia, especially among women and children, infant mortality and birth defects. Depletion and pollution of water resources, and TZ problems associated with intensive development of resources of the Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan belongs to the category of countries with a large deficit of water resources. Currently, water bodies are polluted heavily in mining, metallurgical and chemical industries, utilities and cities represent a real environmental threat. Of the rivers of southern Kazakhstan the most polluted Badam and Talas. In Badam discharged wastewater Shymkent Oil-GIRO industrial complex in Talas – waste water of sugar and alcohol plants. Near Taraz sewage plant primary processing of wool, leather and shoe factory and other enterprises polluted Talas – Assinskoe field of groundwater, which is the only source of water supply the city of Taraz. Continuing pollution channel Talas-Asse and surrounding areas from sewage Taraz phosphorus plant. Wastewater Karaganda synthetic rubber plant, mercury-containing contaminated river Nura and Nurinskoe reservoir. Mercury-contaminated stream, and the Nura River, used for water supply and livestock watering. Water pollution has reached such proportions that in the basins of several rivers breached natural biological and hydro chemical regimes. Severe pollution are Syr Darya, Lake Balkhash, etc. The main pollutants of water sources are ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, petroleum and chemical industries, waste water which significantly increases the water content of harmful substances. Transboundary environmental problems pose a real external threat to the ecological security of the country, a decision which is provided with modern actions of neighboring states in the framework of international treaties. In early 2003, Kazakhstan joined the Bazilskoy Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their disposal, which allowed to establish new customs regulations on the declaration of hazardous wastes and prevent their subsequent flow into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the guise of recycled materials and products. How to cite Ecology: Petroleum and Caspian Sea, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Marketing Channel Management Exam free essay sample
Please start each section on a new page. 3. Please write clearly and neatly. Marks will be penalized for bad writing. 4. Cross out any unwritten pages in the answer sheet. 5. Calculators are allowed to be used during the exam. Section A 5 X 2 Marks = 10 Marks This section consists of Multiple Choice questions. Please mark you answer in the answer sheet by writing only the option number after the question number. Please write only what is asked. As a thumb rule, write a maximum of a page for each 10 marks and half a page for a 5 marks question. 1. Define Marketing Channels. Explain how and why marketing channels are managed. marks 2. What are the responsibilities of a sales executive? 5 marks 3. Illustrate the sales call process and write down all the steps involved in the sales call. 5 marks 4. Draw a typical marketing channel for a mass product and illustrate the flow with directions for the following A. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Channel Management Exam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Money B. Stock C. Information 10 marks Section C This section consists of numerical questions. Please illustrate all steps and try to show calculations wherever possible. Please state any assumption you are making clearly. Question: 15 marks Please estimate the number of sales executives, and supervisors needed for the following Channel Partner for Hindustan Singleshaft which is a top FMCG company in India. The channel partner has to service 1000 outlets. The categorization is given below along with the time required to complete a sales call at each outlet and the frequency of visiting the outlets. The time required to travel from one outlet to another is 10 minutes on an average. Each Sales Executive has a six day work week and works for 10 hours a day including an hour long lunch break. So each sales executive has 9 effective hours of work for 6 six days a week. Assume a 10% buffer sales force in your estimation. For every 4 sales executives one supervisor is required to supervise them.
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